The World Is Ending

The He Lan family had spent years building their influence and power, they could not be toppled overnight. If they went down, the whole country would be affected. Furthermore, they didn't hear of any threat facing the family before this, so this could not have happened out of nowhere.

"Impossible? Then why are all of you under arrest? All members of the He Lan family are in custody and the police has found proof of all your criminal activities, so you can save your breath, none of you are getting away."

He Lan Long's face blanched immediately. There was utter disbelief in other people's eyes. This news was like a flash of lightning in the middle of the day; it came without warning. Everything was fine a second ago but now everything was not. They did not even have the time to prepare for it. They could not accept this reality because it meant that their decades of hard work and sacrifice had gone to waste!