
The way they looked at Xinghe changed; there was warmth and passion in their gazes. Even Ee Chen and the rest who knew of Xinghe's capability were impressed by the miracle she had just performed in front of their eyes, much less the experts who were not that familiar with Xinghe. They did not expect Xinghe to be so capable that she could take down such a complicated program in such a short amount of time.

The lock program must have been extremely difficult considering the location they were in and Xinghe only needed a short minute to hack through it…

What was the difference between her and a real god really‽

"Xinghe, you are a miracle in itself, this reminds me of why you are my idol!" Sam praised her lavishly while showing her a thumbs-up.

"Xinghe, I also want to learn computer skills like this, can you please teach me?" Cairn asked with some degree of excitement.