Out of this World

As the saying goes, sometimes four heads are better than two. Xinghe and Mubai were busy cracking the system and they did not have time to concern themselves with something else and that was where SamWolf stepped in.

Since they had nothing to occupy themselves with, might as well do some thinking. While Mubai and Xinghe were working on the computers, SamWolf gathered for a brainstorm session. They each really provided some suggestions, but none of them seemed to work. After all, the whole world was figuring out ways to deal with He Lan Yuan. Several billion people could not come up with a solution much less the four of them.

However, this did not mean that they would give up. While Xinghe and Mubai were taking a break for lunch, Ali and her group came up to propose their ideas. Xinghe was slightly surprised. "You guys have some ideas to solve this?"

Sam nodded. "We do, but we doubt they could be of any use."