She Is Still Alive

But now, also because of them, the world was in apocalyptic danger. However, it was not that they were dangerous themselves, it was because of the way mankind treated itself.

Tonight, Xinghe was going to help the world removing its biggest threat. All of the world was going to witness this momentous moment. Everyone was excited of the prospect, and they were honored to be a part of such a noble project, to take part in such a momentous and historical moment.

Of course, before that, they had to wait for He Lan Yuan to appear first. He was an instrumental part of the plan. They wanted to see his reaction when he realized his plan had failed, they would savor every bit of it.

He Lan Yuan did not disappoint, because he appeared not soon after that. If there was one good thing about him, it was his sense of time. He appeared exactly 72 hours after his previous appearance.