Waste Not One Second

Xinghe did not expect such an overwhelming show of support; she was touched… but it was still not enough to soften her resolve.

She shook her head and said, "None of you can crack this system, only I can. I am not choosing to stay back because I want to, but I have to. No matter whether I stay or leave, I do not think I have a chance of walking out here alive, so in that case, I would rather give you all a chance at life. If you all really want to show your appreciation, then leave now and stop wasting time. Listen to my order, everyone go and make the necessary preparations because there might still be a solution to salvage this situation, but that is definitely not going to happen with all of us standing here. Only after you all have escaped can you come to save me, so get moving now! Whoever stays here to argue any more is actively harming everyone's chance at survival!"