It Was Not Hypnosis

The man was knocked out cold by Mubai and was still unconscious, which was why they had not realized it was hypnosis. Thankfully, Sam noticed the incongruous attitude of Kai Li or it would have been an unmitigated disaster. Everyone shivered from the possible consequences.

"But hypnosis does not work on us," Shi Jian said suddenly.

Xinghe, Mubai, and Sam looked at him with shock.

Shi Jian explained slowly, "All of us have strong mental resistance; hypnosis should not work on us. We have done experiments on that."

A medical researcher nodded. "Yes, hypnosis does not work on us, so when you said Kai Li was hypnotized, all of us were shocked."

This time it was Xinghe's group who were shocked. Sam said curiously, "If it is not hypnosis, then how can we explain what happened to Kai Li?"

Kai Li quickly added, "I really did not understand what happened to me."

Sam nodded. "Don't worry, we believe you."

Kai Li instantly sighed in relief.