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"Let me answer that for you, it is Xinghe. She has done the most, so what gives you, someone who has done nothing, the right to search her?" Sam added snidely.

"That's right, none of you have the right to disrespect her thusly, especially you." Ali glared openly at Tong Liang.

Tong Liang was so angered that she lost her official smiling face. Her features were twisted from anger as she barked, "So you people have let your glory go to your head? You think you're above the law simply because you have made one small contribution?"

"It is you who thinks you are above the law. You are pursuing your personal agenda using your official position, suppressing us with your official title," Xinghe scoffed. "If you want us to cooperate with you, fine, then show us the warrant, if you don't have one, then get out of our way!"