No Evidence

Xinghe nodded briskly. "That's right, I have said those things, but what about them?"

Tong Liang smiled, and this time, the smugness was rather apparent. "Therefore, the reason for this curious competition is to ruin the world and then save them. Only those criminals are capable of creating such a contagious virus, and you must have taken this virus from them."

"That is not a bad hypothesis, what else?" Xinghe asked.

Tong Liang scoffed. "What do you mean what else? Isn't the fact that you have collaborated with these terrorists to harm the world enough? Or are you telling me that you people have another purpose? You'd better confess, and we might consider giving you a lighter sentence."

"What do you want me to confess?" Xinghe asked calmly, like she was just playing with them. Tong Liang was riled by this attitude of hers.

"Of course, to confess all of your sins and schemes."