Strong Xia Xinghe

The virus was scary, if not controlled, the fatality rate would very high. The condition of those who had survived until then had worsened.

This included Mubai. News came from Lu Qi that said he had spent the whole day in and out of consciousness and appeared to be extreme pain. However, when he was conscious, he warned Lu Qi not to tell Xinghe anything.

Xinghe had already told Lu Qi to inform her of everything about Mubai before Mubai even made the threat. Lu Qi was more afraid of Xinghe, so he had no choice but to 'betray' Mubai.

Xinghe's expression remained unmoved even though bad news about Mubai kept pouring in. However, her friends could feel the iciness radiating off her, like they would be frostbitten if they got too close.

What truly impressed her friends was she kept working on the pen drive; nothing appeared to be able to move her away from the mission. However, it was noticeable that she had picked up her speed…