Laughing Stock

Xinghe was a master in the art of speech as well. She too was snidely commenting on Tong Liang's proclivity to stick her hands into business that did not concern her.

Tong Liang brushed off the sarcasm and smiled. "As Miss Xia said, desperate times call for desperate measures. However, you are completely inexperienced at this job, so you have to be careful lest you bring shame to our country."

"I had no idea Miss Tong loves our country so much, that is surprising," Xinghe said with a light smile, but Tong Liang's face shifted.

"Xia Xinghe, what do you mean by that? What's so surprising about my love for this country?" Tong Liang demanded in a voice loud enough for the both of them.

Xinghe ignored her and turned to address others. "The time is almost upon us, we can go out now."

"Okay. Little Xia, I will sit beside you, so don't worry, you can leave the questions that are too hard to me," the eldest Ambassador Zhou told her kindly.