Confirm Her Suspicion

Xinghe's clear voice suddenly rang out.

The doctor looked at her in shock and nodded like crazy, as if he had finally found his ally. "Yes! That is exactly what happened! I indeed lost consciousness, and I have no idea what I was doing."

"Can you still remember what the two of them looked like?" Xinghe asked.

The doctor shook his head dumbly. "I can't, I only remember them arguing but nothing beyond that."

"Then what were they arguing about?"

The doctor was stunned. Indeed, what were they arguing about.

The doctor combed his brain for answer, but he still shook his head. "I can't remember, I can't believe it, but I really cannot remember. I can only remember how noisy they were, like bees, buzzing around in my brain."

Basically, he had no clue. At this part of the interrogation, Xinghe had essentially confirmed her suspicion. Her face dropped.