Find Tong Liang's Criminal Evidence

In other words, they were trying to escape the scene after the attack or else they would not have been able to escape after the lock down.

The Vice President trusted Xinghe deeply, so he promised, "Okay, I will have my men detain them in secret. If you have anything else you need my help with, do not hesitate to call."

Xinghe nodded in appreciation. Then the Vice President left. He was going to notify a military unit that he trusted and then go apprehend the two suspects.

Xinghe and Mubai left the suspects to the Vice President and concentrated on acquiring Tong Liang's criminal evidence. The method was simple, it was to conduct a health check on Tong Liang's body.

After the vaccine for the virus had been created, everyone in City A had to take a shot, this included Tong Liang. However, before the shot, everyone had to take a blood test.

Tong Liang was suspicious. "Why is there a need for a blood test? How is that related to the vaccine?"