Entering the Fifth Dimension

The police determined she was murdered from the parts of her corpse they managed to salvage from the ocean. However, both Xinghe and Mubai agreed the murderer was dead, or else why would the man's wish be to help preserve Lylian's full body and not find the killer?

The killer must have been taken care of by the man and this Lylian was probably related to the man…

"The child she gave birth to was a boy?" Xinghe asked.

"Yes, and it should be him," Xia Wa answered. So, it was him. No wonder he wanted to destroy the world, the things that happened to his mother were enough to make anyone hate the world.

"Why didn't he have us protect Lylian's safety?" Xinghe asked subconsciously, but the answer came to her as she received an answer. "Because Lylian has to die?"