Did Not Change the Past

"Me too…" Xinghe smiled. "I also forgot about you after I woke up. It was weird; my memory of that time completely disappeared; no one even brought it up again. so I was unable to remember you."

"Me too." Mubai sighed. At the time, neither of them knew each other. After the explosion, Mubai's bodyguards soon arrived at the scene by tracing the Mubai's phone. However, Mubai had suffered great injuries. He was sent by to City T by the Xi family. For some weird reasons, he seemed to have lost that part of his memory after he'd woken up, and his family had decided to let that be.

After Xinghe woke up, she was interrogated by the police, but since she could not remember anything, there was nothing she could answer. Thankfully, the hotel manager stepped in to vouch for her. Later, Lylian's real murderer was apprehended, so the police let her go. At the time, the police did ask her whether she knew Mubai, but since she had lost her memory, of course, her answer was no.