Come If You Can!

Very quickly, South Wolf’s communication request arrived.

“Who are you? If you have something to say, then say it quickly. I’m very busy,” Shi Feng said in an annoyed tone after picking up the call.

“You… Do you know who I…”

Shi Feng’s words nearly caused South Wolf to lose it. However, in the end, he still endured it. After all, this was a task handed down to him from above, so he needed to carry out the job properly. If it were any other person who dared speak to him in such a way, they would definitely face a tragic end.

“If you have nothing to say, then I’m hanging up,” Shi Feng said.

South Wolf furiously said, “Why would I look for you if I have nothing to say?!”

“Then speak of it quickly; I’m very busy,” Shi Feng said, annoyed. There was a huge opportunity right before his eyes, so where would he find the time to bicker with a stranger?