Complete Victory

Chapter 797 - Complete Victory

Sparks scattered when the blades collided.

Although the exchange appeared slow, in reality, everything happened in an instant. Sirius's HP drained like flowing water.

Only after Sirius fell to the ground and lay there motionlessly did everyone realize the Berserker's HP had dropped to zero.

"Leader lost?!"


The Glorious Lions were dumbfounded as they stared at Sirius's unmoving corpse in the dueling ring. None of them dared to believe their own eyes.

Sirius was one of the Battle Wolves' Wolf Kings.

Yet, now, he had lost to a nameless upstart. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

In fact, the Glorious Lions weren't the only ones who were shocked. Every member of the audience was stunned as they stared at the name above the dueling ring.

Victor: Ye Feng!

No one had expected this outcome. How could the competition end so suddenly?