Advanced Title

Chapter 1003 - Advanced Title

After seeing the Tier 3 Magic Scroll in Shi Feng's hands, the green flames in the Undead Commander's eyes flared. It could obviously feel the threat from the Mana Seal as it raised its swords and slashed forward.

Numerous icicles emerged beneath Shi Feng's feet dense enough that dodging them was nearly impossible.

However, predicting the move, Shi Feng activated Defensive Blade and fended off the attacks. He then began to chant the scroll's incantation.

As Shi Feng finished the final verse, more than a dozen small, silver magic arrays appeared around the Undead Commander, surrounding the Great Lord. Although the Undead Commander tried to escape the encirclement, silver chains shot out from the magic arrays that bound the Undead Commander.

As the chains tightened around the Undead Commander, its Chilling Field vanished.

"Move!" Shi Feng shouted in the team chat.