Sword God's Weapon

Chapter 1324 - Sword God's Weapon

"Tiger lost!?"

"What just happened?! How did Tiger die so quickly?! Was Tiger even attacked?! He used Ghost Steps! How could he get hit in a melee battle?! Can someone explain to me what just happened?!"

Falling Flower stared at Mighty Tiger's corpse in astonishment from the VIP stands. She was practically shouting as she questioned the companions who sat beside her.

From start to end, her eyes hadn't left the stage. She had been focused on the combatants. However, when Mighty Tiger had circled to Shi Feng's back and was about to land a blow, he died instead.

Just what had Shi Feng done during that brief moment?

Meanwhile, the players in the spectator stands were even more confused. Mighty Tiger had already been so fast that they couldn't keep up with him. Now, the battle had ended before they could understand what had happened.

"An act? Is Zero Wing trying to hype up the competition?"