Shi Feng's Trump Cards

Chapter 1413 - Shi Feng's Trump Cards

"Trump cards?" Gentle Snow stared at Shi Feng in confusion.

Zero Wing had already decided the five members who would be participating in the ranking competition; changing representatives at the last minute was impossible. She had also geared them with the best weapons and equipment available to her. Currently, even the most inferior piece of equipment these five players wore was Level 45 Dark-Gold Equipment. Zhao Yueru was even equipped with the Tier 1 Set Equipment for Elementalists, in addition to a piece of Epic Growth-type Equipment. The weapon Zhao Yueru wielded was even an Epic staff. In terms of equipment, Zhao Yueru could definitely rank near the top among those participating in this ranking competition.

Hence, it would be very difficult to further upgrade the weapons and equipment of Zero Wing's representatives.

As for their techniques, those were not something that could be improved within a short period.