Treasure that Surpasses Epic Rank

Chapter 1454 - Treasure that Surpasses Epic Rank

It's no wonder why Sky Slicer couldn't do anything with this.

When Shi Feng tried to inspect the hide, he was only able to learn its name—Tattered Animal Hide. The item displayed no further information.

Although this animal hide radiated a faint trace of Divine Might, due to time, it was damaged beyond recognition. The images and words that had been inscribed on the item were nearly impossible to discern.

Fortunately, Shi Feng was confident that he was even more skilled at analyzing items than a Master Appraiser.

I wonder what this item is, exactly. Shi Feng then activated Omniscient Eyes and inspected the hide once more.

The moment he tried to do so, a loading bar appeared above the item.

Watching the loading bar, Shi Feng was astonished.

How is this possible?! Just what kind of item is this?!