Stoneclaw Mountains Sealed

Chapter 1686 - Stoneclaw Mountains Sealed

Star-Moon Kingdom, White River City:

After Shi Feng left the Teleportation Hall, he immediately noticed far fewer players on the street than before. Moreover, when players noticed the Zero Wing Emblem pinned on Shi Feng's Black Cloak, they gave him unusual looks.

When independent players on the streets had noticed Zero Wing's Emblem previously, they had gazed at the player wearing it with envy and admiration, but now, they looked at Shi Feng with sympathy in their eyes.

Shi Feng was confused.

He had only been away from White River City for a few days, yet the city had changed so massively.

What happened here?

Shi Feng began to pay closer attention to the players walking down the street. He soon discovered that independent players weren't the only ones behaving oddly. When players from small Guilds noticed him, they revealed ridiculing expressions.