Confrontation with the Dark Hunters

Chapter 1736 - Confrontation with the Dark Hunters

On the chaotic battlefield, Cola and Turtledove continued to block the Evil Earth Dragons' attacks. Meanwhile, the other Zero Wing members frantically cleared out the heavily injured Evil Beasts and Evil Demons, rapidly dwindling the army's numbers.

The battle was thoroughly in Zero Wing's favor.

Because of this, Zero Wing's excitement continued to mount as they fought.

The Mana Weapons' incredible Attack Power couldn't compare to their normal weapons, and even though they were Tier 1 players, they completely overwhelmed the Lord ranked Evil Demons and Evil Beasts.

Although the slain monsters didn't drop any loot, these players did receive a bountiful amount of EXP.

After fighting for just a short moment, their experience bars had grown by a noticeable chunk.