Another Magic Crystal Treasure Chest

Chapter 1799 - Another Magic Crystal Treasure Chest

"Guild Leader Black Flame, do you have more of these items?" Unyielding Heart could not help but ask after inspecting the All-rounded Device and Elven Silver in his hands. "If you have extras, I'd like to buy some."

Ordinary players might not recognize the value of the All-rounded Device and Elven Silver, but they were absolute treasures to superpowers.

As players reached higher levels, they would encounter environments with low Mana density more often. Some severe environments even inflicted debuffs, yet these locations were often high-resource maps or the sites of high-ranked quests.

Dealing with such maps would often give the various superpowers painful headaches.

Yet, even now, they hadn't found a solution.

The All-rounded Device and Elven Silver Shi Feng had just handed out just so happened to solve all of those problems.