One's Success was Built Atop the Sacrifice of Thousands

Chapter 1825 - One's Success was Built Atop the Sacrifice of Thousands

As the NPC legion pushed back the approaching Orc and monster army, a wall of corpses quickly formed on each side of the road.

"These NPCs are so strong! I get the feeling that this NPC team can even raid an ordinary Guild Town."

"I know, right? Just look at those Tier 3 NPCs going. They are throwing Level 70-plus Great Lords with a single hit. Their individual combat power is likely even higher than Grand Lords of the same rank. Even if these Tier 3 NPCs aren't enough to raid a Guild Town, they're more than enough to kill every one of us."

"As expected of Star-Moon Kingdom's number one expert. With the ability to control so many powerful NPCs, Black Flame could easily annihilate armies of tens of thousands of players. It's no wonder why the various superpowers are helpless against Zero Wing."