Airport Opening

Chapter 1861 - Airport Opening

Time's up already?

After reading the system notification, Shi Feng promptly stopped his work, contacted Cream Cocoa, and instructed her to take his place.

He had worked constantly over the past two days to produce the Hell Tank. He had also used the Philosopher's Hand to help Cream Cocoa and Melancholic Smile forge the Hell Tank's components. After all, he was Zero Wing's Guild Leader. He didn't have a lot of spare time to commit to the Hell Tank. Now that the two women had become Basic Master Forgers, the Philosopher's Hand could help them perform as Intermediate Master Forgers, as well.

As the two women forged more components, their forging standards improved. Likewise, their production success rate increased. Although they weren't nearly as skilled as Shi Feng when crafting the Hell Tank's upgraded engine, their success range was tolerable.