Bountiful Harvest

Chapter 1947 - Bountiful Harvest

Miracle's been annihilated?! Nine Dragons Emperor was dumbfounded when he heard Phoenix Rain's announcement. How can this be?!

Miracle wasn't an ordinary super-first-rate Guild. Aside from its weaker legacy, it was stronger than some Super Guilds overall. Furthermore, Thousand Miles had led the operation personally.

If another superpower had to face Miracle's 30,000-man army, the battle would be bitter even if the superpower thoroughly prepared, much less annihilate Miracle's forces.

Annihilating Miracle's army would be far more difficult than simply defeating it.

If Miracle's 30,000 players decided to scatter and flee, no power should be able to eliminate them all even if the army were badly outnumbered. How could Zero Wing possibly achieve such a feat?