Tier Master

Chapter 1949 - Tier Master

Everyone felt stifled as they watched the quiet Demonkin in the middle of the dark cavern with grim expressions.

[Demonkin King Auva] (Mythic, Tier Master)

Level 68

HP 600,000,000/600,000,000

"What kind of monster is that? How is it giving off such intense pressure?"

"Is that really a Tier 4 monster? I can already feel death loom over me just by looking at it. Why do I feel like I can't even hit it even though it's just standing there?"

"Huh? What does Tier Master mean?"

Although none of them knew what a Tier Master was, after a long time fighting in God's Domain, they had developed their instincts. Those instincts screamed a warning; if they set foot in this cavern, they'd get a one-way trip to hell.