Heavy Sword

Chapter 1990 - Heavy Sword

The town's main street fell silent as the shouted announcement echoed. Very quickly, the players waiting in line distanced themselves from Smiling Breeze and Cool Summer's stall. Even the expert players that had waited to purchase Basic Level Strengthening Potions had retreated.

"Why are Sin Realm's people here?"

"Does Sin Realm plan to expand its control to Glory Town?"

"Damn it! Sin Realm's members again?! They've already prevented us from grinding in the normal resource maps, and now they want to claim this town, too?!"

"I don't think that's it. Glory Town isn't a resource-rich map. By the looks of it, it seems they're interested in the Basic Level Strengthening Potion."

"Those two players are certainly unlucky. They've actually attracted Sin Realm's attention just for selling some products."