Let's Get Serious as Well

Chapter 2047 - Let's Get Serious as Well

As the defensive magic array protecting Starlink's army began to disintegrate, time seemed to freeze across the entire world. The players controlling the Large Ballistas, who had been preparing to attack another Guardian Puppet, stilled, staring at the Puppet standing before their shattering magic barrier.

"No! This is impossible!"

"How can a Tier 3 attack possibly exceed the magic array's limit?"

"Could that be a Tier 4 mechanical puppet?"

The Starlink players that maintained the defensive magic array were confused and afraid when they saw their depleted Mana. Unconsciously, they began to step away from the Guardian Puppets, instinctively increasing the distance between them and their enemies as much as possible.

When they had faced the Defense Turrets' intense attacks, the magic array hadn't even cracked, but now, this one Guardian Puppet had shattered the barrier with a single strike.