Transferring Stone Forest Town

Chapter 2143 - Transferring Stone Forest Town

Shi Feng didn't linger after obtaining the barrier gemstone, making his way toward the Undead Forest.

The Undead Forest was located in the center of the Bottomless Abyss's first floor. Not only did a large number of Level 70-plus Undead wander the area, but it was also where the first floor's dark energy was densest. Without high Darkness Resistance, not even Tier 2 players could spend more than six hours in the area.

However, despite the Undead Forest's dangers, it was one of the few places on the first floor that could support a Guild City.

The Bottomless Abyss's first floor was comprised of a series of connected tunnels and caverns, which was why there weren't many places that could house a Guild City. As far as Shi Feng could remember, fewer than ten caverns could support such a massive player base; most of them could only support an Advanced Town.