Shocking Battle

Chapter 2158 - Shocking Battle

Star-Moon Kingdom, White River City:

Tall buildings and large crowds filled the city's business district. The scene was even more prosperous than most kingdoms' capital cities in God's Domain.

Currently, a man and a woman wearing Crimson Emperor's Guild Emblem ventured down the street. The man had a handsome, majestic appearance, while the woman looked beautiful and intelligent. Both players had already reached Level 68, and if they hadn't concealed their levels with their Black Cloaks, they would've been the center of attention wherever they went.

"Zero Wing is truly amazing. It has actually nurtured White River City into such a powerhouse. Even if Zero Wing loses Stone Forest City, it'll still have a good chance of becoming an overlord in God's Domain," Illusory Words commented as she observed the players wandering about the business district.