Dark Tower

Chapter 2160 - Dark Tower

What a powerful book. Its aura is strong enough to make my heart skip a beat. Purple Jade was astounded as she stared at the Dark Tower Design that had appeared in the Great Demon Molfins's place.

Normally, God's Domain's items didn't possess an aura, but those that did were extraordinary.

As one of the Secret Pavilion's core members, Purple Jade had seen many items that exuded auras. That being said, she could count the number of items she had encountered that could make her heart skip a beat on one hand.

Moreover, those items were generally tools left behind by some Ancient God. Until today, she had never seen a book with such a powerful aura.

"I'm afraid this will push the various superpowers into making their move," Yuan Tiexin commented with a grim expression after watching Molfins disappear. Unlike Purple Jade, he was in no mood to pay attention to the tome the Great Demon had dropped.