Tower of Four Gods' Secrets

Chapter 2271 - Tower of Four Gods' Secrets

As more time passed, the strange energy the crimson stone radiated became so dense that even Shi Feng could feel it affect him from five yards away. He felt his bloodlust rise and rage fill his mind.

What is this thing? Despite being inactive, it has such a powerful, mental influence on those around it. Shi Feng stared at the crimson stone in shock.

Eternal Energy filled the Tower of Four Gods, allowing players to maintain ideal mental clarity and focus.

However, the strange energy this crimson stone radiated had the complete opposite effect.

Shi Feng picked up the stone to inspect it.

The instant his fingers touched the crimson stone, however, his very soul shuddered. He felt, for a moment, as if he stood in a sea of blood and gore. Powerful, violent energy assaulted his body, weakening the Eternal Energy's effects.