Apex Sword

Chapter 2515 - Apex Sword

Seeing the Mana on the battlefield gather around Aqua Rose and Violet Cloud, Troubled Times' expression darkened further.

The Mana Body was the very symbol of Tier 3, and any player that reached Tier 3 understood one thing: they had no control over their Mana Bodies. They needed to learn about and adapt to their Mana Bodies first. Only then could they gain full control over their Mana Bodies and exhibit the true strength of a Tier 3 class.

However, it wasn't easy to unlock a Mana Body's full potential. Very few Tier 3 experts had even begun.

And yet, two experts with fully unlocked Mana Bodies had joined the fight, and both were magical class players…

"What?! This can't be true, can it?! They've already unlocked their Mana Bodies' full potential?!"

"What kind of Guild is Zero Wing?"

Intense shock flashed in Graceful Monarch's and Purple Rakshasa's eyes as they stared at the distant Aqua Rose and Violet Cloud.