Promotion to Intermediate City

Chapter 2549 - Promotion to Intermediate City

"What a huge building!"

"What's going on? Can a Basic City have such a tall construction?"

Players on the main street were stunned when the Freedom Hotel was suddenly revealed.

Previously, the tallest building in Stone Forest City had only been 100 meters tall, but not only did the Freedom Hotel reach another 50 meters above that, but it also occupied a shockingly large area. It easily covered the area of a large-scale sports stadium. Such incredible buildings were even rare in NPC cities, let alone Guild Cities.

The Freedom Hotel's sheer size stunned everyone who saw it.

While nearby players discussed this new construction, the Zero Wing members responsible for building the Freedom Hotel were astonished by their own creation. They had known that they had been building an extraordinary superstructure, but they hadn't understood how amazing it truly was until after the Freedom Hotel's completion.