Dark World Defeated, Zero Wing Flourishes

Chapter 2568 - Dark World Defeated, Zero Wing Flourishes

After a short period of stunned silence, a gabble of confusion erupted as everyone present stared at Shi Feng in disbelief.

"What happened?"

"How did he send a Tier 4 summoned creature flying?"

"What did he do?"

Everyone present had seen Shi Feng's actions very clearly. In fact, they even felt that Shi Feng had moved very slowly.

However, nobody could wrap their heads around what had actually happened. All they had seen was Shi Feng executing a forward slash at the empty space before him and releasing a streak of blue light from his sword. And by the time they snapped out of their daze, the Tier 4 summoned creature that stood over 60 yards away from the Swordsman was already in the air.