Difference of Level 120, Frightening Wealth

Chapter 2577 - Difference of Level 120, Frightening Wealth

As Cola, Fire Dance, and the others darted through the silent forest, they caused a commotion.

Small groups of Wandering Souls flew toward the offending players, quickly surrounding them. These monsters were so fast that ordinary experts wouldn't have a chance to escape.

However, the encirclement was practically non-existent to Cola and Zero Wing's other MTs. Like unstoppable tanks, they charged through the monsters, shoving aside any that stood in their path with their shields. None of the Wandering Souls could stop their advance. Meanwhile, Fire Dance and the other more agile players maneuvered their way around the Wandering Souls, letting none lay a hand on them.

The death energy the Wandering Souls exuded had no effect on Cola, Fire Dance, or their companions. It almost seemed like some kind of invisible barrier protected them from the death energy's corrosion.