Zero Wing in an Uproar, Everyone's Plans

Chapter 2664 - Zero Wing in an Uproar, Everyone's Plans

Both Melancholic Smile and Mu Lingsha were stunned upon hearing Liang Jing's words.

"You managed to contact the Guild Leader?" Melancholic Smile asked excitedly.

The current Zero Wing was in an extremely tight spot, as all of the Guild's top combatants were absent. However, this still wasn't the most important point. The crucial thing was that morale in the Guild had fallen to an unprecedented low.

Shi Feng had always been Zero Wing's backbone. His return might not be able to drag Zero Wing out of its current predicament, but it would be able to unite the hearts of Zero Wing's members.

Moreover, his return would also strengthen the confidence of Zero Wing's various partners. After all, the main reason why these powers had partnered with Zero Wing in the first place was Shi Feng.