How Bold of You

Chapter 2815 - How Bold of You

At Violet Cloud's words, Lu Xingluo's complexion turned ashen.

Never did Lu Xingluo think that Miracle Dragon would lose. Moreover, the man had lost so miserably.

Now, not only did Lu Xingluo fail to humiliate Zero Wing, but the morale on his side had even suffered a hit. This situation put him at a loss as to how to respond to Violet Cloud.

Lu Xingluo wasn't the only one taken aback by this outcome. The various major powers were similarly stunned beyond belief.

Everyone present could clearly tell that Miracle Dragon was monstrously powerful, yet Violet Cloud had actually displayed even greater strength. At this time, they even started to think that Violet Cloud could take on two or three Tier 4 experts simultaneously and still hold the upper hand.

"So, this is Zero Wing's strength?"

"Amazing! With this, Starlink and the various superpowers will have to act more humbly."