All Sides Shaken

Chapter 2892 - All Sides Shaken

Dark Night Empire, Dark Night City:

Starlink's Residence had once been brightly lit and crowded with people. However, after Zero Wing's rise, the number of players visiting Starlink's Residence had steadily decreased. Now, apart from Guild members, almost nobody visited Starlink's Residence.

Starlink was now the least prosperous of the Dark Night Empire's top four Guilds, not even comparable with first-rate Guilds.

However, many people had gathered in the Residence's top-floor meeting room, including representatives from the various superpowers and executives of many Dark Guilds. These people were here to discuss how to oppose the increasingly powerful Zero Wing in secret and the Outerworld's invasion.

Only, after everyone present read the report they just received, their complexions turned indescribably ashen.