Fame Shakes God's Domain

Chapter 2903 - Fame Shakes God's Domain

Dark Night Empire, Winter Night Border Fortress:

With the opening of the second War of Worlds, the Outerworld's NPC army had appeared at the borders of many of the eastern continent's kingdoms and empires. Although no full-blown battles had taken place yet, many skirmishes had occurred already.

"Guild Leader Lu, I'm afraid things will be troublesome this time. The Outerworld's NPC army is much larger than we anticipated. Although the Outerworld player army we have to deal with is much smaller than those at the other empires, we'll still face a tough fight, even if we work together with the empire's army," Hidden Cloud, the Fifth Floor Master of the Super Guild Nine Heavens Pavilion, said with a frown as he read the latest report on the Outerworld's NPC army. "If we can't even hold our side, there's no need to mention pushing back the Outerworld's NPC army and taking Zero Wing's two cities in the Orc Empire."