Tides Have Turned

Chapter 2915 - Tides Have Turned

Dark Night Empire, Thousand Nights City:

Although nightfall was still several hours away, players already flooded the city's streets. In addition, more than 70% of the city's players were Level 140-plus, Tier 3 experts. At this time, though, all of these experts had nervous and solemn expressions on their faces.

The reason for their sullen mood was the consecutive failures to defend several of the Dark Night Empire's border fortresses and cities. By now, the empire's players had no choice but to retreat to the largest border city in the south to fight the Outerworld's NPCs and players. Currently, over eight million Tier 3 players and 200 Tier 4 experts had gathered in the city—more than what one would normally see even in Dark Night City.

Starlink's Residence, Guild Leader's office:

"They won?"

Lu Tiandi was stunned when he read the report regarding the Twin Towers Kingdom his subordinate sent him.