Close Range Combat!

Boom, boom, boom… the beams all made their mark on the respective mecha they had targeted. Due to Ling Lan decision in attacking from a distance where the power of the beam gun was at its strongest, in addition to the analysis of power of the mecha in accordance to the cockpit's endurance, this round of simultaneous shots made the A.I. of the opposing 9 mecha instantly consider the mecha as "destroyed". The A.I. of the mecha forcibly shut off and the 9 mecha all dropped towards the ground.

"Assholes!" The two captains who were in the rear were so angry their eyes were red upon seeing this scene. They didn't think that the 7-man team that they were facing didn't give a shit about dying. Facing their 24-man battle team, they didn't even think about retreating and even proactively attacked first.