Bloody Tears!

"Why is Commander Qi Long crying?" Those in the audience asked in surprise.

Commander Qi Long was a sunshine boy and always showed an honest and caring smile. That smile of his made people naturally want to trust him. Even when faced with the biggest difficulties, he would try his best. His determined and unshakable impression was known to everyone deep in their hearts. In the eyes of bystanders, if someone were to ask who in the Ling Lan's team would cry and sob, others might, but not Qi Long. The feeling that Qi Long gave to others was that he was too strong-willed. He was a tough guy who only bled but never cried.

Yet this tough guy that everyone knew from their hearts had cried. However, no one felt that this Qi Long was soft and weak…

Some people actually also had red eyes as well. They quickly rubbed their eyes and said, "Sh*t, why are you being emotional?"