
Since the three countries guarded against each other, Aoqi became the only place where trading between the three countries occured. This made Aoqi a shopping heaven. Merchants from all over the galaxy came to Aoqi to do business.

From afar, Aoqi looked like a yellow ball. The planet was surrounded by vibrant colored plants so it seemed extra striking. People wanted to visit the planet because of its vibrant colors. This might be part of the reason why it was so prosperous.

The Feiyang Ship landed on the spaceport of Aoqi slowly. Since many merchant ships came to Aoqi, Aoqi's spaceport was extremely huge. When the Feiyang Ship ship was landing, many merchant ships came and went.

"This is a huge spaceport. The facilities here could be compared with our first-string military spaceport." Zhao Jun went for many missions before so he could compare this spaceport with the other ones.