
On the other hand, Gu Zhengrong had the aura of a soldier. He was really good at assessing the situation and determining the most optimal way on how to react to it. Additionally, he was really good at taking care of people. With these traits, he should be the most probable suspect. However, these traits could also be the reason why he could also be the least probable suspect, as hiding out in the open would probably attract less suspicion, but he still might be the person from the Flying Dragon Special Forces.

These three people were all suspicious but there was no solid evidence to prove that they were from the Flying Dragon Special Forces. Maybe the person from Flying Dragon Special Forces was not among the three people in her apartment. After all, there were 20 transfer students but she only saw eight of them.

The five people who came together with her could be eliminated, as she didn't feel a sense of uncertainty when she met them.