Like Her?

Lady Mei felt the most frustrated. Back when she heard about the order by the commanding officer, she already felt that it was wrong. She voiced her concern to her leader but her leader just dismissed her directly. The reason she received was that she was not following the rules of the military, as soldiers should obey all orders given to them. If she couldn't do it, she should leave the military. Her leader's words made sense so Lady Mei unwillingly followed the order. However, now, Lady Mei realized that she was a coward. She wasn't firm in her opinion and thus made the wrong decision.

"Elder Sister Han, you are right. It is our fault. We will now give instructions to the mecha operators so that they can be ejected out of the base." Lady Mei raised her head, showing a firm gaze. Since she made a mistake, she should amend it. It was not too late now.