A Liking!

After she had lost down to her last 10,000 chips, Miss Seven saw Little Yang's interest in the game. She then handed the chips to him and said, "Our luck was terrible and we lost almost all of the round. This is the last round so I'll let you bet." Miss Seven, two of her maids and Li Yinfei's group, won small amounts on the first two rounds, then kept losing afterwards. They had already lost to the point of no longer having any interest to gamble.

"Ah, I-I-I ca-can't." Ling Lan shook her head furiously as though she was surprised by the 10,000 chips.

"Stop being a sissy. If our lady told you to go, then you go. If you lose, she wouldn't ask you pay it back." Elder Sister Nuo wasn't pleased with Little Yang's cowardliness and instantly pushed Little Yang towards a betting table.

This table was betting on 'Big' or 'Small'. It seemed Elder Sister Nuo was afraid Little Yang didn't know how to gamble so she pushed him towards the easiest table.