They Were No Match for Them?

The appearance of Shadow Step proved that these two leaders from different nations had both reached the highest point of an ace operator.

Everyone wanted to continue to watch the battle between the two leaders. However, the video feed suddenly changed to a different scene.

At this scene, they were able to see one Federation mecha standing behind Lingtian Mecha Clan, just quietly observing the fierce mecha battle coldly from the sidelines.

"Why isn't he joining the fight?" His allies on the front-lines were fighting a hard-fought fight while he just stood there watching without even offering to help. This odd scene gave many of those watching the battle an uncomfortable feeling.

Coincidentally, mecha operators from Knight Ace Mecha Clan also saw him at the same time.

One Knight Ace Mecha Clan mecha suddenly rushed out from the battlefield. He saw the Federation mecha at the very back and rushed towards it without giving a second thought.