
After the two visitors left, Xie Yi and Luo Lang came to sit on the sofa.

Xie Yi immediately opened his mouth and asked, "Boss, do you think that he is telling the truth?"

Ling Lan replied calmly, "Most probably."

"Why are they postponing it?" Li Yingjie frowned. He couldn't understand the decision.

"It is so that they can have more time to collect evidence against me." Ling Lan gave a cold smile. "Exciting times are ahead of us. Everyone will stand opposite of us. My plan is completely messed up!. Damn it." Ling Lan seethed with gritted teeth. She quickly downed the whole cup of tea before slamming it heavily on the table.

The teacup started to crystallize into shards of ice before it exploded in a loud burst. The shards of ice in the air quickly disintegrated into nothing as if it was never there.

Everyone at the scene felt their heart pumping heavily. They knew Boss was really infuriated with the current situation.